“PERLAWANAN ITU YA HARUS AKSI TURUN KEJALAN, tunjukkan kekuatan, harus berisik, singkirkan mereka…
Sprint Milano Art Book Fair 2024
Ternyata jualan itu gampang! Sudah cukup sering sih mengunjungi event art book fair.…
Peran “design reseacher” yang lebih ke riset pake metode-metode riset
Kalau menurut pendapatnya kak @ganjar , posisi apa yang sekiranya pas untuk orang2…
refilme – innovative service based on a closing-the-loop ecosystem
refilme is an innovative service based on a closing-the-loop ecosystem approach that not…
Designing services through a short movie-making approach: MedMap – Navigation system for hospital visitors
MedMap is a service system that helps people when they visit a hospital.…
Co-Designing AlkeME: A Personalized Learning Platform for Employee Growth
AlkeME is a learning platform for employees by providing structured programs with self-assessment…
Look at the stairs, look how they shine for you!
Continuing my previous story, I am still in the challenge of Living on…
#MinimalMengurangi di Milan
At the beginning of 2019, I tried an experiment to reduce non-essential things…