Designing services through a short movie-making approach: MedMap – Navigation system for hospital visitors

MedMap is a service system that helps people when they visit a hospital. When they are confused about where to go, MedMap will give them the right directions, just like GPS on a cell phone. In addition, MedMap can also tell them whether the patient they are visiting is still being examined by a doctor or can be seen. So, they don’t need to ask a lot of people and can wait more calmly.


The aim of this project was to develop a service that could be explained through a short movie-making approach. Each stage of the movie-making – from planning to evaluation – not only aimed to explain the service, but also helped shape the design of the service itself.

The MedMap service aims to:

  • Help hospitals work more efficiently and reduce the work of hospital staff such as doctors and nurses, as people can find their way around without having to ask frequently.
  • Providing real-time information on patient status, this information provides reassurance to visitors, reducing worry and confusion.
  • Ensuring that only authorized people can enter the patient’s room, ensuring safety and tranquility within the hospital.


We adopted a user-centered design approach, focusing on the needs of visitors and hospital staff. We designed the service like the stages in making a short movie.

Journey & Process

step 1

Creating the Narrative

Service Blueprint & stakeholder mapping: 

We mapped the visitor journey and identified pain points, from this mapping the team was able to determine the specific phases that needed to be focused on, namely from the hospital lobby to the patient’s room. then we identified the core parties in the process, namely the receptionist, registration manager, and nurse.

Character Canvas & Story:

Creating personas is a common step to understand users, but in this project, we made personas more real by making them like characters in a movie that have a narrative, and various problems faced.

From the characters, we developed a hospital visitor journey scenario using storyboards to visualize what each character does at each stage of the process and how they interact with each other. This approach helped us to understand the detailed motivations, feelings and behaviors of the key stakeholders (visitors, receptionists and nurses).

step 2

Visualizing Empathy


We conducted a service simulation like a rehearsal in the movie-making stage. The goal was for the team to see the steps that were unclear and discuss the features that could solve the problem.

User test:

Testing the usability of the prototype with two users who were not part of the team through a “scavenger hunt” scenario. Afterwards, interviews are conducted to identify problems and areas for improvement in the product and service.

The User Testing revealed 2 main points.

  • First, we needed to improve on the visualization of how the real-time direction/navigation of the app would work.
  • Second, we needed to avoid oversimplification, which we initially thought would address language barriers. Instead, our users wanted more info like patient status, waiting times, and all the steps of the navigation process.

step 3

Engage emotions

A short movie medium was the final approach to visualize the service proposal we designed. In the video we engage the emotions of the stakeholders who watch, they can understand the product and service solutions we offer to solve user experience problems in the navigation system in hospitals.

By using visualization in the form of short movies, we showcase real interactions that improve communication and empathy, and help stakeholders understand the user experience better to refine the final design of the service. At the movie screening session, the team also received feedback from stakeholders.

The Result

This project resulted in the design of a MedMap navigation system that includes:

  • Video scenarios showing how the system is used.
  • MedMap Device Prototype, a device that helps visitors navigate the hospital.
  • MedMap system, an intuitive navigation system, real-time patient status updates, and a digital verification system to ensure only authorized visitors can access patient areas.


In this project I learned that the emotional power of short movies to display real interactions can improve communication and empathy. As a designer of the stages in service design by adopting the stages of making a movie, it helps to understand a complex system. Short movies are also an easy medium to help stakeholders understand their role in the service system. The emotional aspect of the movie can be used as a powerful touchpoint to inspire innovation and engagement in service system improvement.

The Team

This project was part of the Visualization & Prototyping course in the PSSD program at Politecnico di Milano.

The team consists of:

Suofeiya Nanxi, Kimia Chavoshi, Jin Yexin, Julienne Joven, Li Zihan, Lu Junyan, Ayano Osawa, Valentina Phung, Kezia Rivan, Ganjar Satrio, Yan Zhelin.

Thank you, guys! for all the great work!